Holt Work Day GREAT Success!
On Saturday, August 23rd over 80 volunteers from the community turned out to Bertha Holt Elementary School, spending 3 hours beautifying the school grounds. District budget cuts mean little time for school groundskeepers to get to certain tasks, so they requested teams to wash exterior windows, spread new bark chips to make the playground safer, weed and spread bark mulch in the front parking area, pressure-wash the front concrete, and edge the grass. We got even more done than we had planned, and the principal was thrilled with what we accomplished!
Thanks to our sponsors North Park Community Church and Garden Way Church, and to Papa’s Pizza for providing a yummy lunch!
- Keeping everything orderly
- Thanks to all who brought tools!
- Breaking into groups
- Window washers
- A little fun
- School garden beds
- Getting down…
- and dirty.
- A much improved lot!
- A prettier and saver playground
- Lots of bark chips
- Pressure washing
- Almost done!
- Pizza and relaxation!